The sunny days are coming, yes yes yes!! It doesn’t seem like that with this freezing cold, but spring is here! And what could be better than developing good habits 🙂 The #healthy attitude is very present and even more when the good weather starts to show up! So here’s 15 ways to improve your health just to give you some ideas!
1. Adjust your posture

You don’t have a lot of time to practice… Don’t panic! Standing up straight with your shoulders back activates your back, arms and core muscles (hi abs!). Good posture is also good for optimal digestion, injury prevention and mood improvement. As much as possible, as often as possible!

2. Drink a glass of water (with a boost)

The easiest thing you can do to make your body much healthier in less than a few minutes? Drink a big glass of water – yes, it’s very serious! You know that water is essential for staying hydrated and healthy, but water actually has so many health benefits that it deserves the status of a superfood (stay away, green cabbage!). Water helps your body function properly in everything from the digestive system to the absorption of appropriate nutrients. For even more nutrition, add super ingredients to your water such as lemon juice (promotes digestion and contains a lot of vitamin C), chlorophyll (detoxifies the liver and reduces the risk of cancer) or mint (improves brain function and relieves indigestion).

3. Do a one-hour digital detox #break

But be careful about your health and put your phone down now (or maybe after you finish reading this article) – a break from your phone is not only miraculously good for your mental health, but it will also ensure that you spend your time productively. Working, exercising or even just reading a book is so much easier and more peaceful without the temptation of your staring at your phone.

4. Sleep 30 minutes earlier tonight.

Achieving a goal of 7-8-9 hours of sleep each night seems to be a difficult goal for those of us who feel like we have tons of things to do in one day. But with a little willpower, we can sleep more! I’m going to bed 30 minutes earlier tonight than usual. 30 minutes is probably the time you spend scrolling through Instagram or sitting on your bed in your towel after your shower (that’s right, I see you). Put the phone down, put on your night cream and go to bed. If 30 minutes seems too long, try five minutes earlier and add five more minutes each night until you sleep for 7 to 9 hours. Yes, everyone has their own sleep needs, for my part, an average of 7:30 is perfect. What about you?!

5. Have a cup of green tea

Tea has been an inherent part of health for centuries – it has many health benefits and green tea leads the pack as one of the healthiest. It is loaded with many antioxidants, including polyphenol EGCG, which has been used to treat many diseases. Green tea also increases physical performance, improves brain function and kills bad bacteria. If you are more of a coffee person, replace your second cup with a green tea!
Personally, since last year I have adopted the matcha that I drink for breakfast with almond milk. Yes, you could call it a matcha latte, I sometimes add a little bit of my Chai blend and it’s a delight! I can’t do without it anymore!

6. Massage yourself with a brush
I can already see your face when I read the title: what the hell is she saying?!
Yeah, I’ll give you that, it’s a little weird.
The mechanical action of dry brushing is wonderful for exfoliating dry skin, but not only! Did you know that it also helps to detoxify by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymphatic drainage?
Yes, the lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that is responsible for ridding the body of waste and toxins. Lymphatic vessels are similar to the circulatory system (such as veins and capillaries) because they can be targeted from the outside.
Certainly, the inside of our body is important, but let us not forget to take care of our outside too! Let’s take our brushes!

7. Prepare your meals with seasonal products

Eating seasonally means being aware that the fruits and vegetables you eat will provide you what you need the most. Nature is well made, it brings the right products at the right time.
In winter, we have a great need for nutrients and it is the season for mineral-rich vegetables such as leeks, turnips, cabbage,… but also for citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C.
In summer, tomatoes, courgettes, melons,… are full of water, because our body needs to be highly hydrated.
If you also choose local fruits and vegetables, you will notice the difference: better taste and freshness of the products purchased, because they have been picked at maturity. This is a guarantee of quality and in addition the carbon footprint is considerably lower! It is a good action for your health and the environment 🙂

8. Stretch!!!

You’ve heard about the importance of post-training stretching for muscles, haven’t you?
But stretching is good for your health. Taking a stretch break or adding stretches to your morning/evening routine helps prevent injuries, manage pain, improve endurance, maintain your balance and counter the negative effects of sitting for long periods of time.
Come on, after this article, let’s get up and stretch! 🙂

9. Take your time when you eat

If your meal times are irregular or you don’t take time to eat well, that is, swallow a smoothie on your daily morning commute, put salad in your mouth in front of the computer at lunchtime and eat a bowl of cheese pasta with an extra dramatic episode of The Game Of Thrones for dinner. It’s time to make some changes! It is so easy to get into the habit of eating on the go or behind a screen when our lives are very busy. Nevertheless, taking the time to chew the food well and eat slowly is better for digestion – it’s easier on the stomach (so no more uncomfortable bloating or stomach aches!) and chewing about 30 times per bite (yes, as many times!) stimulates digestive enzymes enough to break down food. It is also advisable not to watch television during a meal. Why? So that all our attention is focused on our plate. Our brains will send us the message of satiety at the right time. If you watch television, you will tend to eat more and in the long term, gain weight.

10. Go out for some fresh air
Even five minutes outdoors can lower cortisol levels and improve your mood. The sun gives you a boost in vitamin D, and being outdoors makes you feel more alert and alert. Go out and change air when you can: on a break or if you can take work with you, it’s even better!

11. Add leafy greens to your meal

Leafy greens such as spinach, salad, cabbage and arugula are among the healthiest foods in the world. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, while being incredibly low in calories. They prevent aging, help the heart, detoxify blood and organs (including the skin!) and nourish the intestines. Sometimes including leafy greens in your meals is not easy, but you can choose a salad when eating out, add a few kale leaves to your morning smoothies or a coleslaw with apple and nuts. The raw meal is of course the best option to get the most out of the benefits, but an adapted cooking (no overcooking!) will allow you to vary the pleasures!
+ : add small sprouted seeds or of wheat germ to your salads.

12. Take probiotics
You probably know that it is interesting to take a probiotic supplement (to add more good bacteria to your intestine!), but you may not take it every day. A lack of good bacteria in your intestine is not only manifested by bloating, stomach aches or digestive problems, but it can also manifest itself in your mental health, skin problems or even in the health of your hair. Whether you are aiming for healthier digestion, better concentration or Blake Lively hair, a probiotic will make a big difference in your overall health. Make sure you take a little every day, over a longer or shorter period of time depending on your needs, or eat enough probiotic-rich foods (such as sauerkraut, kombucha or kefir) in your diet.
Feel free to eat leguminous plant and fibre, our little bacteria love it!

13. Add a slice of ginger to your smoothie or tea

Ginger can help relieve nausea, cramps and bloating, but this superfood is also known to be an intense inflammation reducer.
If you feel a cold settling in or if you just want to feel good about yourself, add a pinch of fresh ginger to your smoothie or tea.

14. Clean your cupboards!
Healthy habits start with what surrounds us.
Next time you have 10 minutes to kill, throw away the half-eaten bags of chips, candy or give the unopened cans of processed food (yes, it’s bad for your health!) to an association. There are probably a few unused and unhealthy food packages in the back of your closet that you will tell yourself that you will not eat, but that you will eat late at night or when you feel too lazy to make yourself a meal.
Clean your pantry in the spring as you would in your wardrobe – get rid of what you don’t like, and keep only what you like.
Be strong! You can do it!

15. Breathe (consciously!)

Although I am a big fan of deep breathing in the midst of stressful times (think about this tight work deadline or when you remember to pay your taxes), breathing does a lot more for your health than you think.
Deep breathing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which stimulates hormone production, oxygenates the blood, releases muscle tension, facilitates digestion and reduces cortisol levels.
Take 5 to 10 deep chest breaths (i.e., breathe through your stomach and not through your chest) as often as you like during the day and before each meal.

And you? what do you think about these 15 ways to improve your health? what are your favorite #healthy habits?
Share them in comments !
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