I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get burger cravings, and there’s nothing like making your own homemade burger buns. Once you try them, you can’t buy ready-made ones! It’s so much better what you can make yourself 🙂
If you have a food processor that kneads, nothing could be easier, you put all the ingredients – except the sesame seeds – in the bowl and knead for about 3 minutes. Otherwise, you will need elbow grease 😉

Ingredients for 4 breads :
- 275g of flour
- 1 egg
- 55g warm water (not more than 37°c – body temperature – for yeast)
- 85g of milk
- 1 tbsp dry yeast or 15g fresh crumbled yeast
- 15g softened butter
- 1 level tablespoon of sugar
- 1/2 tbsp. tablespoon of salt
- sesame and poppy seeds

>If you use dry baker’s yeast, add it to preparation 1.
>For the fresh baker’s yeast, I advise you to crumble it in a large glass, then add part of the warm water (or all of it if it fits) and stir a little with a spoon. Cover the glass with plastic film and let it rest for a few minutes, until a foam appears on top.
1/ In a salad bowl, put all the dry ingredients except the seeds.
2/ Add the butter to the preparation, trying to crumble it.
3/ In another bowl, beat the egg with the milk. Then add the rest of the liquid ingredients.
4/ Little by little, pour this preparation into the salad bowl with the dry mixture while stirring. Then start to knead.

5/ Knead until the dough is homogeneous.
6/ Make 4 balls for your burgers and place them on a baking sheet. Don’t hesitate to flour the worktop to prevent the dough from sticking.

7/ Place the baking tray in the cold oven and heat at 100°c for 10 to 15 minutes so that the breads rise.
8/ Take the loaves out of the oven and raise the temperature to 200°c.
9/ Brush the top of the breads with water and put the seeds.
It’s ready! You can garnish them as you like.

Personally, I like the veggie versions, with a veggie steak (my favourite recipe is over here), salad, seasonal vegetables, basil, and a bit of cheese – more or less strong depending on taste!
What about you? What do you like them with?
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