There was a recipe I’ve been wanting to make for ages, but hadn’t gotten around to it. That of cinnamon rolls – or in good French – cinnamon rolls! I loved these little buns I discovered during a trip to Canada. Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices and the marriage with the bun is delicious.
I chose not to put a lot of sugar, you can of course add some to make the taste more pronounced.

- 350g of flour
- 45g of sugar
- 60g of softened butter
- 125ml / 125g of milk (soy milk for me)
- 1/2 tsp of salt
- 20g fresh baker’s yeast (1/2 cube)
- 1 egg
- 50g butter
- 2 tbsp cinnamon
- 30g sugar
+ 1 egg for browning the buns (optional)

1/ Mix the fresh yeast with the warm milk (not more than 37°c).
2/ Add the rest of the ingredients for the dough to the bowl: flour, sugar, butter, egg and salt and knead for 5 to 10 minutes. Once the dough is ready, cover it with a cloth and leave it to rest for 1 to 2 hours.

3/ Melt the filling in a saucepan: 50g butter, 2 tbsp cinnamon and 30g sugar.
4/ On a silicone tray or baking paper, roll out the dough into a rectangle. It should be about 5 mm thick.
5/ Add the filling evenly over the entire pastry.

6/ Roll out the dough like a roll cake
- if you want big rolls, roll lengthwise (the buns will be bigger and there will be less of them)
- if you want small rolls, roll widthways (the buns will be smaller but there will be more of them)

7/ Using a knife, cut 2cm thick slices and place them on a baking tray on which you have previously put baking paper.
8/ Let the buns rise for about 1 hour (they will double in size).
9/ Preheat the oven to 180°c.

10/ You can brown the buns by adding egg yolk with a brush and then bake the buns for 15 minutes.
It is possible to make a glaze on the top of the buns. Personally, I don’t see the point of adding sugar but you can do it if you want 🙂

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