With winter and in this period of COVID, with the wearing of masks being compulsory almost all day long for some people, our nasal hygiene is essential. You probably laughed when you read this title! And yet, when you talk about cleaning your eyes, ears or mouth it seems normal, but do you know how to clean your nose well?
The nose

The nasal cavity is a real high-tech natural filter, thanks to the hair, hair cells and mucous membranes – yes it makes you dream 😅. All unwanted dust and organic germs are therefore glued to these walls. Because nature is well done, the self-cleaning drainage is done by wiping.
Then it is normal to clean this cavity, as when changing an air filter! And we might as well tell you that at the moment, we need it 🙂
How do you cleanse your nose effectively and thoroughly?
Do you know jala neti?
It is a complete cleansing of the nasal cavity that comes to us from India and is used every morning by yogis. It is an ancestral natural practice that helps to avoid colds.
Cleaning is carried out with a lota – a small suitable watering pot (or netipot) – which is filled with lukewarm salted water (approx. 37-40°c).

The salt water flows through one nostril and comes out through the other with small mucus, bacteria and other impurities.
The method :
- Fill the jar with lukewarm water 40-50°c.
- Add half a teaspoon of sea salt or fine purified salt, the dosage depends on each one, but if the solution stings, there is either not enough salt or too much.
- Let the salt melt.
- Proceed with the nasal cleansing as described in the diagram above and described below:
- Lean over a washbasin, place the nozzle in one of the nostrils – breathing is through the mouth – and let the water run gently. Alternate the flow between the nostrils.
- Once you have finished, you can blow through your nostrils as if you were blowing your nose.
It is possible that the first time you don’t get it right, try to change the angle, lean forward a little more and put the pot higher so that the water drains well.
If you have a very stuffy nose, it is possible that the water may not run out right away. Still stay in position until the water passes – it can take 5-10 minutes – but it’s worth waiting, your sinuses will thank you! You will find your breathing more pleasant.
Precautions to be taken :
- If you are not sure about the quality of your water, you can use distilled water or boil your tap water.
- Remember to clean your pot after each use, you can put it in the dishwasher if you wish.
- Ask your pharmacist and/or doctor for advice if you are unsure.

The benefits :
Of course, you will have better breathing and an inner cleanliness that is second to none. But that’s not all, it can be used to prevent rhinitis or sinusitis, two to three times a week.
If you are sensitive to pollen, it is advisable to cleanse in the evening before bedtime to limit irritation and sneezing.
It is also strongly recommended to perform a thorough cleaning before a PCR test. To avoid false positives.
Some use seawater sprays are less effective because they do not clean as thoroughly as lota.
Now you know everything! If you want to feel better and be healthier, I recommend this practice that I have been doing for a few years. I do it almost every day during the winter period and I always feel the benefits. A morning routine that deserves a lot of attention 🙂
What about you? Do you clean your nose well regularly?
Take care of yourself 🤗💞
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