In the summer, this cake will be perfect if you feel like a light dessert This chocolate zucchini cake does not contain any fat, the zucchini brings a soft texture without giving taste.
Try to make your guests guess the main ingredient, they will be bluffed. It’s is also another way for the children to eat vegetables 😉
For this recipe, you can substitute sugar by xylitol for example if you pay attention to your figure or even not sweeten at all, the chocolate being already sweetened.
What is the xylitol ?
It is a natural sugar, mostly from birch bark. Its main advantage is that it has about half the calories of regular sugar in equal parts and has a very low glycemic index.
You can also replace the flour by cornflour, it will become even lighter and gluten free 🙂

Ingredients for 8 people:
- 200g de chocolat noir en morceaux
- 3 œufs
- 1 courgette râpée ou mixée (5 sec) (environ 200g)
- 70g de sucre en poudre
- 100g de farine
- 1 sachet de levure chimique
- 1 pincée de sel

1/ Preheat the oven to 180°c.
2/ Melt the chocolate pieces in a bain marie or in the microwave oven.

3/ In a bowl, whisk the sugar with the eggs then add the melted chocolate and the grated zucchini. Mix again.

4/ Gradually incorporate the flour and baking powder, mix well.
5/ Pour this preparation into a non-stick mould (I use a silicone mould) otherwise, don’t hesitate to oil well to prevent the cake from sticking.

6/ Bake for 25 minutes at 180°c.
7/ Check the cooking by inserting the tip of a knife, it should come out clean.
8/ Leave to cool for a few minutes before unmoulding the cake on a wire rack.
It’s ready to eat, with cream or vanilla ice cream it’s perfect!

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